
St. 菲利普学院自豪地宣布,学院的官方历史书名为St. 菲利普学院:圣安东尼奥东区的骄傲. 玛丽·潘内尔·瑟斯顿,圣·霍普金斯大学口述历史协调员. Philip’s College.

The book is the first in a series Texas A&圣安东尼奥大学(TAMU-SA)通过德州大学赞助&M大学出版社将其命名为《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》. St. Philip’s College President Dr. Adena Williams Loston was joined by Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier, the president of TAMU-SA, 在今天的典礼上正式宣布. 首期刊物讲述了美国唯一一所被联邦政府指定为历史上的黑人学院和西班牙裔服务机构的大学的故事, 今年是圣公会成立115周年. Philip’s College.

About the Author

玛丽·潘内尔·瑟斯顿并非一直都是一位有成就的作家. She grew up in a loving home in Lynchburg, 在种族隔离和大萧条时期,维吉尼亚是三兄弟三姐妹中排行老二的. 她的父母上不了五年级, 但他们向孩子强调获得高等教育的重要性. After high school, despite having limited financial resources, 瑟斯顿就读于林奇堡一所历史悠久的黑人专科学校,毕业于弗吉尼亚州立学院, in Petersburg, Virginia, also a historically Black institution.

她嫁给了弗吉尼亚州的政治家查尔斯. Thurston, M.D., 他们一起养育了四个非常有成就的女儿:一个是医生, a college dean, 一位是图书管理员,一位是联邦储备银行雇佣的教育专家. 瑟斯顿在密歇根大学安娜堡分校获得了她的第一个硕士学位,在德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校获得了第二个硕士学位, working full-time all the while. After her husband joined the military, 他们每三到四年就会在美国和欧洲的军事任务中搬家,而瑟斯顿很享受这种旅行, 因为频繁的搬家和家庭责任, her career was put on hold. Throughout her life, 她仍然活跃于她的教会,并在许多社区委员会任职, receiving numerous awards for her contributions.

Following Dr. Charles Thurston’s retirement from the military, 他们在圣安东尼奥定居,在66岁的时候, 玛丽决定再次继续她的学业. At the age of 71 years, Thurston received her PhD in Education, 主修组织领导, from the University of the Incarnate Word.

Today, at 81 years of age, Dr. Thurston’s first book, St. 菲利普学院:圣安东尼奥东区的骄傲 was published by Texas A&M University Press. 圣安东尼奥历史上第一个黑人和西班牙裔服务机构的历史,也是全国唯一一个拥有这一称号的机构, 她的书讲述了艾特米娅·鲍登的故事, a strong African American woman, who with decades of persistence, and against all odds, 将自己的道路交托给神,成就自己所定的目标. Several other strong women, particularly three black women, followed in her footsteps, serving as the President of St. Philip’s College. In many ways, 瑟斯顿的生活反映了他们每个人在成功之前都克服了巨大的困难和歧视的故事.

How to Purchase the Book

St. Philip's College Souvenir Shop
Sutton Learning Center, 3rd Floor

  • 书的成本:$30 +需要运输和处理
  • Cash and checks accepted
  • 这本书的所有销售收入将捐给圣. Philip's College Scholarship Fund

Special Acknowledgements

特别感谢那些为发展成功做出贡献的人 St. 菲利普学院:圣安东尼奥东区的骄傲.

  • St. Philip's College Archives
  • Book Cover Photo & Contributing Photos provided by Patrick M. Evans
  • Interviews taped by Mark G. Barnes, Sr.

Special Thank You

“我们非常幸运能有玛丽亚·赫尔南德斯·费里尔总统和德州农协这样的合作伙伴&m -圣安东尼奥认识并分享圣安东尼奥的历史. Philip’s College and San Antonio’s Eastside.” - Dr. Adena Williams Loston