Student Course Sequence & Learning Outcomes

First Year Course Sequence



Students are recruited into the program, which includes a learning community comprised of English/language arts courses linked to a first-year experience course such as Learning Frameworks, Student Success, 等., along with additional courses, such as appropriate Mathematics pathways.




In this semester, students who have successfully completed their first-term English class move into the next level of college English and may continue their learning community with another core curriculum course such as credit-level Mathematics, 历史, 心理学, 政府, or Mexican American Studies.



学期3 & 除了

This represents the remainder of the time at the college for students in the program who have finished the formal Ascender sequence but not yet transferred to a four-year institution. During this time, students receive ongoing academic advising and personal and academic counseling until they graduate or transfer.



Student Learning Outcomes


1. Students will demonstrate active engagement in Ascender events and presentations.  

2. Students will complete the Ascender course sequence for their first year experience.

3. Students will graduate and/or transfer and earn a degree.

4. Students will identify academic and professional goals in pre and post surveys.