

NVC Wants to Help Students Get on the Path to Financial Success 

Learning good personal finance skills now can help you reach your goals and find success sooner. 你的人生目标很重要, and 西北Vista wants to make sure you have the funding to make your goals a reality. 你的金融知识水平如何? 你运用聪明的理财技巧吗? 

西北维斯塔学院 knows how critical it is for you to ascertain this life skill. 因此, 金融知识 skills are being offered in several classes to include: EDUC 1300, 数学1332, 数学1324, 和数学1325.



金融知识 指一套技能和知识,使个人能够通过他/她对财务的理解做出明智和有效的决策. 个人财务管理教育是规划和支付高等教育费用的重要组成部分. Everyone needs to understand the options concerning the vast array of financial products, 服务, 和供应商做出合理的财务决策.






*净价计算器可供有兴趣估计学费的学生和家长使用, 费用, 财政援助. 请记住,这个计算器提供的信息只是一个估计,并不反映学生的实际资格或奖励.

担心你的信用评分? Learn more about the effects of credit inquiries on your credit score

学生演讲 (Prezi) Kristell Cefre关于金融知识的文章



50% of Americans have less than one month’s income saved for a rainy day
美国有200万应届毕业生.S. 都失业了

401 (k)计划 - 由雇主设立的退休储蓄计划,雇员将工资的一定比例存入账户并赚取利息. 403(b)计划:类似于401(k)的退休储蓄计划, but exclusively for employees of public schools and certain tax-exempt organizations.

大学储蓄计划 - An education savings plan operated by a state or educational institution. It is designed to help families set aside funds to pay for future college costs.

年利率(APR) APR allows you to evaluate the cost of the loan in 术语s of a percentage. If your loan has a 10% rate, you'll pay $10 per $100 you borrow annually.

年收益率(APY) 有效的或真实的年回报率. 年利率是一年内实际赚取或支付的利率, 考虑到复利的影响. APY的计算方法是用1加上周期利率,并将其提高到一年中的周期数. 例如,每月1%的利率,其年利率为12.68% (1.01^12). 

年费- The amount that credit card companies charge for the use of a credit card.

资产 任何具有交换价值的财产. For example, cash, stocks, 债券, real estate and personal possessions.

银行 由股东所有的营利性公司,为客户提供储蓄、支票账户和其他金融服务.

债券 - Loans to 公司s or to the government for a certain period of time, called a 术语. 你从贷款投资中赚取利息, 在学期结束的时候, 你的债券到期后,公司可以向你偿还.

预算 管理金钱的计划, 在给定的时间段内,根据个人财务目标,将预期收入和支出划分为支出和储蓄选项.

资本化, 当利息被资本化, 学生贷款账户的未付利息被加到本金余额中. When this happens, you are essentially paying interest on top of interest.

存单(CD) 在一定期限内存入资金的账户.g., 六个月或一个月, 两个, 或五年), 与金融机构合作, 并承诺固定利率. For most CDs you cannot make 存款 or withdrawals to the account during this 术语.

公司债券 - Loans to 公司s for a certain period of time, called a 术语.

信用 Amount of money a creditor is willing to loan another to purchase goods and 服务, based the expectation that the money will be repaid as promised with interest.

信用卡 Amount of money a creditor is willing to loan another to purchase goods and 服务, based the expectation that the money will be repaid as promised with interest.

信用额度 贷款人将向客户提供的最高信用额度.

信誉, 还贷能力:衡量一个人偿还贷款能力和意愿的尺度.

信用评级/分 A measure of credi两个rthiness based on an analysis of the consumer's financial history, 通常以数字形式计算的, using the FICO or other scoring systems to analyze the consumer's credit. 债权人对一个人还债的意愿和能力的评估,通过性格来判断, 能力, and capital; a mathematical model used by lenders to predict the likelihood that bills will be paid as promised. 

信用合作社 会员拥有的金融机构,以较低的费用向会员提供储蓄、支票账户和其他服务.

借记卡 A card used to pay for goods and 服务 directly from a checking account by transferring funds electronically from one's checking account to the store's account to pay for a purchase; also called check cards.

债务 欠债主的全部款项.

延期 暂时推迟支付联邦学生贷款, 如果你符合特定的标准,就可以延期. (例如,失业或经济困难).

多样化 - When you spread the risk of loss over a variety of savings and investment options.

赢得的利息 The payment you receive for allowing a financial institution or 公司 to use your money.

EE债券 - EE是一种债券,通常以面值的一半购买,必须持有至少一年才能兑现.

员工福利 - 雇主提供的工资以外的额外福利(例如:工资).g.健康保险或养恤金计划).

电子转账账户(ETA) - 一种低成本的储蓄账户,为联邦付款接受者提供通过直接存款接收联邦付款的机会.

股本 - The difference between how much your house is worth and how much you owe on your mortgage.

联邦学生贷款-贷款 这些都是由联邦政府担保的, 包括斯塔福德, 直接, 父母+, 和Grad PLUS贷款. These loans have a fixed interest rate, as well as deferment and forbearance options.

固定的费用 每次花费相同的费用.

宽限期 The length of time you have before you start accumulating interest on an unpaid balance.

总收入 The total amount of income from wages before any payroll deductions.

我的债券 - 按面值购买的一种债券, 印在保证书上的金额是多少,在兑现之前必须持有至少一年.

个人发展帐户(IDA)  - 一个匹配的储蓄帐户,其中另一个组织(如.g., 一个基础, 公司, or government entity) agrees to add money to your account to match the money you save in it.

身份盗窃  - 当别人提到你的名字时, 社会安全号码, 信用卡号, 和其他个人信息,未经您的允许.

收入 个人收到的任何款项.

的兴趣, Interest is the additional amount you will pay to a lending institution to borrow money. 在储蓄方面, 利息是你将钱存在银行账户或其他储蓄工具中所赚取的额外金额.

  • 单利
  • Simple interest is interest paid only on the "principal" or the amount originally borrowed, 而不是贷款利息.
  • 复利
  • 每日计息, 每月, 季度, 每半年一次, 或者每年支付本金和宝贵的利息.

投资 为将来的收入而存钱, 好处, or profit to meet long-术语 goal; using savings to earn a financial return.

滞纳金 A penalty on all types of credit for making a payment after its due date.

贷款期限 你偿还贷款的时间长度.

货币市场帐户 - 通常支付较高利率的帐户, 与普通储蓄账户相比,它通常需要更高的最低余额才能获得利息. 您可以存取款.

共同基金—— A professionally managed collection of money from a group of investors. A mutual fund manager invests your money in some combination of various stocks, 债券, 以及其他产品.

需要 必需品维持身体生活所必需的必需品或必需品, 包括食品, 服装, 水, 和住所, 有时被称为物质幸福

净收益 Also called "take-home pay"; it's the amount of income left after payroll deductions

融资费用 A charge for setting up a loan that is typically associated with home and student loans.

从工资扣除 从总收入中扣除的由雇主为税收和雇员福利等项目扣留的金额.

本票 A legally binding document signed when you take out a student or parent loan. 期票(有时被称为“舞会票据”)列出了你借款的条件和你同意偿还贷款的条款. 它将包括有关如何计算利息以及借款人可获得的延期和取消条款的信息.

退休投资 你在很长一段时间内投资的钱,这样当你不再工作时,你就有钱生活了.

罗斯个人退休安排(ira) 罗斯个人退休账户的捐款不能免税,而传统个人退休账户的捐款可以免税. The distributions (including earnings) from a Roth IRA are not included in income.

对账单储蓄帐户 - 赚取利息的帐户. You will usually receive a 季度 statement that lists all your transactions–withdrawals, 存款, 费用, 赚取的利息.

股票 - 公司的一部分,叫做 股票. 如果公司经营良好,你可能会根据你持有的股票数量获得定期股息. Dividends are part of a company’s profits that it gives back to you, the shareholder.

补贴 联邦政府支付在校期间联邦贷款补贴部分产生的利息, 宽限期, 还有延缓期.

储蓄 把收入存起来以备将来消费的过程. 储蓄 provides ready cash for emergencies and short-术语 goals, and funds for investing.

传统个人退休安排(ira) - 向传统的个人退休账户缴款可能是免税的, 根据你的贡献金额和你的收入. The earnings on the amounts in your IRA are not taxed until they are distributed.

通货膨胀保值债券(TIPS) - 提供对通货膨胀的保护,利率与消费者价格指数挂钩.

未受资助的 A loan in which the borrower is responsible for interest that accrues on any unsubsidized loan.

U.S. 储蓄债券A long-术语 investment option backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. 政府. 储蓄债券可以在金融机构购买,价格低至25美元,也可以通过扣除工资来购买.

U.S. 国库证券—— 对美国的贷款.S. 某一时期的政府,称为 术语. Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. 政府 and include Treasury bills (T-bills), notes (T-notes), and 债券 (T-债券).

变额年金 - An insurance contract that invests your premium in various mutual fund-like investments