


NVC 经验丰富的支持 provides current NVC students who are military members (current & former) with information, 资源, and advocacy to help them succeed in higher education.

To learn more about NVC Veterans 支持 portal on AlamoExperience, 点击这里.

The goal of our services is to provide our veteran students with:

  • 老兵相关的活动和事件
  • Opportunities to connect with other Veterans through on campus and off campus engagement
  • Faculty and Staff Advocates (fellow Veterans who are also available to provide campus information, 资源, 和额外的支持)



For many 退伍军人, the transition to college can be faced with challenges and questions. The NVC Vet to Vet program is designed to help fellow veteran students succeed. The Vet to Vet advocates are here to support all student 退伍军人 and inform them about 资源 on campus and in the community. To know who your V2V advocates are, click the "Vet 支持" link under useful links.

The 退伍军人中心 advices and assists student 退伍军人 on how to obtain federal and state benefits. 位于沙漠柳树欢迎中心,房间DWWC-120. The 退伍军人中心 also participates in veteran education programs provided by the Department of 退伍军人事务部.


    • Hazlewood豁免
    • Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty Educational Assistance Program
    • 第三十一章-职业康复计划
    • 第33章- 911后退伍军人教育援助计划
    • Chapter 1606 and 1607 - Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program


The counseling services provides veteran students guides towards personal, social, 和/或心理问题,如抑郁症, 焦虑, 创伤后应激障碍, 和悲伤. The counseling services offer a wide range of professional counseling services with licensed professionals.

ADA accommodations to students who have disabilities that interfere with their ability to succeed in the classroom. The Access office offers services to help level the playing field and create opportunities for success for students with disabilities.

西北维斯塔学院 recognizes that students struggling economically or with mental health issues may find college overwhelming at times. 我们知道压力会影响学习成绩. Any student experiencing challenges is encouraged to reach out to the NVC Student 宣传 and Resource Center.  倡导中心提供紧急学生援助, 帮助满足基本需求, and individual and group mental health counseling at no cost to students.

提供给退伍军人在NVC图书馆在房间 rlc - 113 to enhance the Academic learning environment for study, research, and information needs. 指定供美国军事人员使用的空间.S. 空军, 海军陆战队, 军队, 海岸警卫队, 海军, 空间力量, 空军国民警卫队, 陆军国民警卫队, 以及所有储备成分. Use of the room is also extended to current Active Duty and Reserve status students.



  • 符合军人或退伍军人学生的资格
  • Have served or currently be serving in the military, national guard, or reserves
  • If no longer serving, have been honorably discharged from service
  • 平均成绩不低于3分.0
  • 2019年秋季入学



NVC 全职级俱乐部 is a student organization that is open to all NVC students and employees who are active military, 退伍军人, 家属, 或者想表达他们对服役人员的支持. This club aims to provide military and academic connections and support, social的机会, 和更多的!


友情 - We are a tight-knit community that shares information and joyful experiences where we can thrive emotionally, 身体上的, 和学术.

宣传 - We represent the needs of our NVC military-affiliated students and their 家属.

支持 -  We will link our members to 资源, assistance, training, and opportunities.

social活动 - We will provide opportunities to engage with one another on campus, off campus, and even virtually.

