
根据州法律, an individual's residency classification is based on information from his/her 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台Texas application. 学生s will be classified as residents of Texas, 非居民, 或者国际学生. 有资格成为德州居民, an individual must live in Texas for one year and es选项卡lish a domicile in Texas prior to enrollment.

The amount of tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台Texas application. You may also be asked to provide documentary evidence that proves your residency status.


  • 根据德州法律, students are classified either as residents of Texas, 非居民, 或者国际学生. All based on information provided on his/her 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台Texas application.
  • 除了州居留权, 根据学生是否居住在贝尔县税区,将学生分为区内外两类

The amount of tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on the application. You also may be asked to provide documentary evidence that proves your residency status.

You will find your residency classification located on your 学生 ace 帐户,在 学生 标签和下面 查看学生信息. 你的住院医师分类是基于德州高等教育协调委员会制定的规章制度. If you have questions about residency, please contact the Records & 住院医生办公室.

Residency Classifications (For Tuition Purposes)


有资格成为德州居民, you must

  • 在德州住一年.
  • Es选项卡lish a domicile in Texas before enrollment.
  • 要么是U.S. 公民或永久居民.
  • 如果你在父母最近的联邦纳税申报单上被声称是受抚养人,你将根据父母/配偶的居住资格被分类.
  • If you are basing your residency on your spouse and have been married 12 months, you can be classified based on spouse’s qualifications for residency.



A U.S. citizen/Permanent Resident who has not lived in Texas for the past 12 months.


A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States.

持有美国居留签证的国际学生必须提供文件,并满足与美国学生相同的要求.S. citizen to qualify for Texas resident status for tuition purposes.

Please see the attached list to see if your Visa type qualifies to domicile in the state of Texas. 获批准的签证类别

下面的非u.S. 公民有资格根据《居住权的确定》第(a)(2)或(3)款在本州建立和维持住所.  

  • A Permanent Resident: a student will need to submit an up-to-date copy of their Resident Card (I-551).
  • 有资格获得永久居民身份的人:已提交I-485申请永久居留,并已收到美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)发出的费用/申请收据或行动通知,表明他或她的I-485已被审查并且没有被拒绝. 学生s should submit their latest I-797 form.
  • An eligible nonimmigrant who holds one of the 签证的种类 posted on the Coordinating Board’s web site.  学生s will need to submit copies of their passport, visa, I-94, and other documents as requested.
  • A person classified by the USCIS as a Refugee, 难民, 假释犯, 有条件永久居民, 或暂住居民
  • 非移民(包括无证公民)如果符合以下条件,可以申请在德克萨斯州居住:  
    • Graduated or will graduate from a Texas high school or receive their GED certificate in Texas.
    • 在德克萨斯州居住了三年,直到高中毕业或在德克萨斯州获得普通教育证书.
    • 在他/她将入学的学期的人口普查日期之前的12个月内居住在德克萨斯州或将居住在德克萨斯州.
    • 是否已经或将会在他/她有资格的情况下尽早申请成为永久居民.
    • 学生s in this category must complete an 宣誓书.



Accep选项卡le documents for proof of domicile in Texas

关于住院医师核心问题的回答,机构可能会要求提供以下文件.  Documents that may be used as proof that illustrate:

1. 重要的有酬工作

  • a. 雇主在德克萨斯州的就业日期声明(开始和当前或结束日期),包括至少连续12个月,紧接在人口普查日期之前的人登记.  然而, employment conditioned on student status, 比如工作学习, 津贴的收据, 奖学金, or research or teaching assistantships does not constitute gainful employment.
  • b. Other documents that show the person or the dependent’s parent, for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls: 
    • 1) has been engaged in employment intended to provide an income to the person or allow the person to avoid the expense of paying another to perform tasks (as in child care) that is sufficient to provide at least one-half of the individual’s tuition and living expenses or represents an average of at least 20 hours per week; or
    • 2) is self-employed in Texas or is living off his/her earnings;  or
    • 3) is primarily supported by public assistance in Texas. (For a person living on public assistance, 位于德克萨斯州的一个或多个社会服务机构办公室的书面声明,证明在人口普查日期之前连续12个月向该人提供服务.)

2. Sole or Joint Marital Ownership of Residential Real Property

在德克萨斯州拥有住宅房地产的所有权,并提供在人口普查日期之前连续12个月的所有权证明文件, 例如担保契约, with the person or the dependent’s parent having es选项卡lished and maintained domicile at that residence. 

3. Marriage to a Person Who Has Es选项卡lished and Maintained Domicile in Texas


4. 企业实体的所有权

证明在德克萨斯州的企业组织的文件,这些文件反映了该人或受抚养人的父母的所有权利益, 以及由该人或受扶养人的父母按惯例管理业务,在可预见的将来没有清算的意图.

注意: The student's current home address will determine residency. A Post office box or dormitory address cannot be used to determine residency. Additional documents may be requested to support your claim as a Texas Resident. 

Unaccep选项卡le documents for proof of domicile in Texas


  • 出生证明
  • 社会保障卡
  • 护照
  • 购物俱乐部/租赁卡
  • 纳税申报表
  • 银行对账单
  • 手机话费
  • 打猎或钓鱼许可证
  • 隐藏武器许可证
  • 信用卡账单
  • 医疗账单或医生的记录

注意: If the documents you provided to prove residency cannot be verified, 您的居留身份不能改变.

For students who fail to submit documentation and still register for classes, tuition will be charged at the out-of-state rate.

如果你的德克萨斯州居留权申请和必要的文件在你入学的人口普查日期之前没有收到, 如 重要的日期和截止日期 日历,你的居住地 will be processed for the next available term.



Check your Residency Status if you have already applied

You will find your residency classification located on your 学生 ace 帐户:

  • 登录您的ace
  • 选择 学生 选项卡
  • Select 查看学生信息
  • 选择最近的术语
  • Your Residency Status will be reflected