
项目级别: 度,Pre-Majors /转让
部门: 细 & 表演艺术
研究所: 有创意的 & 沟通的艺术
大学: 签证中心

音乐 课程 奖学金 马上申请



This program is designed for students who intend to pursue a Bachelor of 音乐 degree but may also be applied to a Bachelor of Arts or other baccalaureate-level music degrees. Coursework consists of a field of study courses that transfer to four-year institutions.

西北Vista's ensembles offer a variety of performing opportunities for students of all concentrations. Our groups provide an excellent way to become involved in college life and to meet students with similar interests. 合奏,包括 爵士乐 系综, 器乐室内合奏, 及音乐会合唱团, perform at least one evening concert per semester on campus, and give students practical experience with a variety of the world's musical idioms. 欢迎所有学生参加.


You will learn basic skills that will improve your overall musicianship. You will take courses in 音乐 theory, 听觉能力, 视唱, 钢琴, music literature and private study on your principal instrument.

What can I do with this course of study?

This program will prepare you to transfer to a four-year, baccalaureate music program. Areas of study include: Performance, 音乐教育, 音乐产业研究, 音乐营销, 音乐疗法, 作文, 理论, 和音乐学.

What is special about this program?

The courses are part of a complete course of study in music. The training is rigorous but personalized to suit each student's needs.





MUEN 1122 -爵士乐团

MUEN 1132 - 器乐室内合奏

MUEN 1141 -音乐会合唱团

MUSI 1116 - Elementary Ear Training and Sight Singing

MUSI 1117 - Elementary Ear Training and Sight Singing II

MUSI 1181 -钢琴一级

音乐1182 -钢琴II级

音乐1183 -声音类I

音乐1188 -打击乐I级

音乐1192 -吉他一级

MUSI 1303 -音乐基础

音乐1306 -音乐欣赏

音乐1307 -音乐文学

MUSI 1310 -美国音乐

音乐1311 -音乐理论1

音乐1312 -音乐理论II

MUSI 2116 - Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing I

MUSI 2117 - Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing II

MUSI 2181 -钢琴三级

音乐2311 -音乐理论III

音乐2312 -音乐理论IV

MUSC 2333 - Scoring for Video and Film


MUAP 1201 -小提琴

MUAP 1205 -中提琴

MUAP 1209 -大提琴

MUAP 1213 -低音提琴

MUAP 1215 -电低音

MUAP 1217 -长笛

MUAP 1221 -双簧管

MUAP 1225 -大管

MUAP 1229 -单簧管

MUAP 1233 -萨克斯风

MUAP 1237 -小号/短号

MUAP 1241 -法国圆号

MUAP 1245 -长号

MUAP 1249 -男中音/中低音

MUAP 1253 -大号

MUAP 1257 -打击

MUAP 1261 -吉他

MUAP 1269 -钢琴

muap1281 -语音

MUAP 1285 -私人即兴表演


丹尼尔•史密斯 ——协调员
地点: pca - 105 - i
电话: 210-486- 4818

Dr. Minkyung李 - Voice, 大学 Choir, Aural Skills
地点: pca - 105 j
电话: 210-486-4828

Dr. 亚伦普拉多 - 音乐 理论, Aural Skills 爵士乐 Studies
地点: pca - 105 - i
电话: 210-486-4819



伯克琼脂 -吉他,音乐鉴赏

约翰的胡子 -音乐欣赏, Violin, Viola

杰森白金汉 - - - - - -铜

马克Camann - Piano Class I, II, III and IV, Private Piano, 音乐 Appreciation

约翰多伊 - 器乐室内合奏, 音乐 Appreciation, American 音乐, Percussion

凯伦·麦卡蒂 -音乐欣赏

豪尔赫·帕迪拉 -美国音乐,打击乐



Rizo Klarissa ——管理. 专家
地点: pca - 105
电话: 210-486-4374

蕾切尔米. 鲍尔 -学术主席
地点: pca - 105 c
电话: 210-486-4761