开始 with 非母语英语课程

Students interested in the English as a Second Language (非母语英语课程) Program are encouraged to complete the following steps to begin the process:

1. Schedule an appointment to take the free English Placement Exam. 点击这里 to send us an email to request information on the exam.

2. T考试已经开始了 by appointment only, Monday through Friday between 9am and 3pm in our offices at MLH-234. The exam takes 25 minutes to complete and results are immediate. We also have the option to take the exam via Zoom - contact us for information.

3. Meet with 非母语英语课程 staff after completing the assessment to register for upcoming courses.

You will receive all other instructions you need from the 非母语英语课程 office after completing the exam.

Click Here for the Online Schedule