
重要的是: The THECB (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board) has approved the release of the new TSI 2.自2021年1月11日起生效. All students testing January 11th and onward for the TSI exam will need to take the new version of the TSI exam. 要了解更多关于TSI 2.0请浏览 TSI 2.0常见问题

德州法律要求学生完成阅读评估, 写作, 在进入大学之前学习数学. The 德州成功倡议(TSI) mandates that any new undergraduate student entering a public institution must be assessed for readiness to enroll in college coursework.

阅读成绩低于最低分数线的学生, 写作, and/or mathematics will be placed in developmental education courses for each subject area in which college readiness is not demonstrated.

如果你参加过分班考试(TSI, Accuplacer, TAKS, STARR, ACT, 坐等).)或之前修过大学课程, please contact the 测试中心 before scheduling or paying for the TSI to verify if testing is required.

Non-澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 students testing at 帕洛阿尔托学院 will need to request a remote voucher from the college/大学 they will be attending. 申请的凭证将通过电子邮件发送到帕洛阿尔托学院考试中心. Remote voucher students must pay a $20 correspondence fee to 帕洛阿尔托学院 in order to test.  

If you have already taken TSI and would like 帕洛阿尔托学院 to retrieve your scores from another college, 大学, 或者高中, 请填写 跨机构分数检索表 (PDF). 表格可以扫描并通过电子邮件发送到pac-testcenter@alamo.连同有效的带照片的身份证件复印件.


TSI -新生

Students enrolling in college for the first time who are requesting an appointment for the TSI Assessment must complete the following steps:

  1. 完成德克萨斯大学帕洛阿尔托学院的申请 www.applytexas.org. 申请可能需要3-5个工作日来处理.

  2. 确认申请已处理完毕 ace,是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区在线学生门户网站.

  3. 提交 official high school transcripts for evaluation of previous test scores (TAKS, 坐, ACT),以获得可能的TSI豁免.

  4. 通过在线完成所需的AlamoENROLL模块 ace.

  5. 获取学生旗号. 预约时需出示条幅身份证.

  6. 如有疑问,请致电210-486-3444与评估和测试中心联系.

TSI -转学生

Students transferring to 帕洛阿尔托学院 who are requesting an appointment for the TSI Assessment must complete the following steps:

  1. 完成德克萨斯大学帕洛阿尔托学院的申请 www.applytexas.org. 申请可能需要3-5个工作日来处理.

  2. 确认申请已处理完毕 ace,是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区在线学生门户网站.

  3. 提交 official transcripts from previous college(s) for evaluation of test scores and/or completed courses for possible TSI exemptions.

  4. 通过在线完成所需的AlamoENROLL模块 ace.

  5. 获取学生旗号. 预约时需出示条幅身份证.

  6. 如有疑问,请致电210-486-3444与评估和测试中心联系.

TSI -豁免/豁免


  • ACT: 2月15日之前, 2023综合得分达到或超过23分, 英语和数学成绩不低于19分.  考试必须在入学前(5)年内进行.

  • ACT: 2023年2月15日或之后,英语和阅读40+,数学22+

  • 坐(3月5日前考, 2016): scores must be 500+ Critical Reading and 500+ Math with a total of 1070 or higher. 考试必须在入学前五(5)年内进行.

  • 坐(2016年3月5日之后参加):证明阅读成绩必须达到480+ & 写作,数学530+.

  • Transfer Student: Must have met college readiness standards in all areas from a public, 私人, 或者外州的学院或大学.

  • 军事人员:附DD214副本4.

  • 现役军人:有LES或PCS订单

  • Students who have earned an associate degree or bachelor's degree from an accredited Texas public institution of higher education.   


Students who do not provide official documentation to verify one of the exemptions are required to take the TSI assessment.

TSI -付款

请在付款前与测试中心联系,确认是否需要TSI. 通过帕洛阿尔托学院支付学费 虚拟业务办公室. 所有考试费用不予退还.



电子邮件: pac-testcenter@nxadmin.net

TSI -预约


        1. 学生必须:
          1. 在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台有申请文件吗.
          2. 你有横幅号码吗.
          3. 带付款收据.
          4. 完成GO FAARR和测试准备模块
        2. Schedule an appointment through by calling the Test Center at 210-486-3444 at least on (1) day prior to desired test date.
        3. 在考试当天,学生必须:
          1. 携带有效身份证件.
          2. 携带打印的TSI付款收据.
        4. Students will not be allowed to test with out proof of payment and a valid photo ID and will be required to reschedule.

The testing center does provide lockers for small personal items that can be used while testing. 请不要携带任何大的或超大的袋子, 背包, 钱包, 或者其他无法放入10英寸x8英寸x10英寸储物柜的物品. 考试中心不负责任何个人物品.

TSI -重新测试

学生可以在第一次考试后的一天内重新参加考试. 然而, we recommend a student retest following a formal test intervention program (帕洛阿尔托学院 Refresher Course) or review ACCUPLACER在线准备材料. 每重取一部分将收取12美元的费用.

TSI -远程TSI测试

你现在可以在家里通过Examity进行TSI评估, an online service provided by an outside source contracted with 大学 Board’s Accuplacer/TSI testing program. 服务可24小时预约.

This service is available to students who are unable to take the TSI assessment at 帕洛阿尔托学院.



TSI 2.0常见问题

什么是TSI 2.0,什么时候生效?

TSI 2.0 is the new version of the TSI exam approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to launch Monday January 11, 2021. On Monday January 11th 2021 the current TSI will no longer be available and anybody testing for TSI from that day forward will be testing under the new TSI 2.0版本.


是的, 如果你参加了目前的TSI, 你的考试成绩自考试之日起5年内有效. 然而, 如果你还没有完成TSI的任何部分, 并在1月11日或之后参加考试, 2021, 你需要用新的TSI 2进行测试.0测试.

随着TSI 2的推出,有什么变化.0?

一些TSI 2.0的变化包括:

  • 当前的阅读和写作测试将合并为一个ELAR部分
  • 数学和ELAR的新及格分数,等待欧洲央行的批准
  • 新TSI 2.2021年1月11日起免考试费
If I am TSI complete on Reading and not and Writing will I have to take the new ELAR test or can I just take the Writing test?

The Reading and Writing Sections will now be combined into one section now named ELAR test, 不能单独取. You will see both Reading and Writing questions and possibly and essay when taking the ELAR section. Your result on the ELAR section will determine if you are complete on the Reading and Writing sections that have not yet been passed or completed.

如果我是TSI数学完成与目前的TSI,我必须采取新的TSI 2.0数学测验?

No, if you are TSI complete on Math on the current TSI you do not have to test as long as your test scores are still valid and not older than 5 years from the date of testing.



小津图书馆及学习中心(OZU 143)


星期一:早上8点.m.-7 p.m.
星期二至星期四:上午8点.m.–6 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m.-5 p.m.
