Academic Dismissal

你可能没有意识到,因为学业原因被开除可能会严重限制你未来对大学和专业的选择. If you are on financial aid, veteran’s assistance, or a family health insurance policy, you run the risk of losing that assistance. 请充分利用这个机会,从学术顾问和老师那里获得帮助和指导,这样你就可以避免未来出现更严重的情况.  

What is Academic Dismissal?

如果在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区任何一所学院接受留校察看或继续留校察看的学生没有获得a 学期 GPA 2.0和a 累积 institutional GPA 2.0 in the 学期 following their probationary status, they will be placed on Academic Dismissal. In accordance with the Academic Standards policy, 被开除学籍的学生必须休学一个完整的秋季或春季16周的学期. Students placed on Academic Dismissal will receive ace的电子邮件 notification informing them of their status at the end of the 学期. 

What happens if I am placed on 1st Academic Dismissal?

西北维斯塔学院的学术标准政策规定,被开除学籍的学生必须休学一(1)周,才有资格返校. 点击这里 First Academic Dismissal for more information.

What happens if I am placed on 2nd Academic Dismissal?

西北维斯塔学院的学术标准政策规定,被第二次学术解雇的学生将被要求缺席一(1)个完整的16周学期(春季或秋季)。.  点击这里 Second Academic Dismissal for more information.

What happens if I am placed on 3rd/ Permanent Academic Dismissal?

西北维斯塔学院的学术标准政策规定,有三次或三次以上学术解雇的学生没有资格申请或注册至少一个完整学年(秋季), 春天, 夏季). 点击这里 Third Academic Dismissal for more information.

What happens if I was on Academic Dismissal from another university or college?

被其他学院或大学解雇的学生需要完成学术解雇申请程序. 点击这里 Transfer Academic Dismissal for more information.

If you are not sure which level of dismissal you are on, 您可以向学术标准团队发送电子邮件请求,要求对您的记录进行审查,请发送至 Please include your full name and banner ID in the message.

如果在被解雇期间在另一所认可的学院或大学达到了最低学术标准(良好信誉), 学生可以在访问咨询服务并提供官方成绩单显示他们的良好信誉(2)后重新注册.0 or higher Cumulative GPA).

Academic Standing Forms

Please read below for information regarding the Academic Standing forms:

  • Academic Dismissal Checklist
  • 学术解雇请愿包-一旦你接受了帆布课程的邀请,就可以访问.


每学期被开除的学生都需要提交进度报告,直到你重新获得良好的学术成绩. 您将在咨询会议期间向指定的学术顾问提交进度报告. Progress reports must be completed by each of your instructors before submission. 如果进度报告未在截止日期前提交,在最终成绩公布之前,您将没有资格注册任何后续学期. No progress reports will be accepted or reviewed after the deadline. You may access your Progress Report link in the PASS Canvas course.

Student Action Plan

学生成功行动计划是为您和您的认证学术顾问设计的工具,旨在帮助您克服您在学术解雇请愿书中确定的挑战,并专注于实现您设定的目标. Based on the goals you list below, your advisor will help you to identify your strengths, address opportunities for improvement, 讨论可能帮助你实现学业和职业目标的资源. The Action plan will be found in the PASS Canvas course.

*You will need an Adobe Acrobat Reader for these forms. Download free version 在这里